Magnolia is most famous for the vanilla cupcakes with vanilla butter cream frosting. I know they sound bland, but they are the most amazing cupcakes I've ever had. They are super cute with different pastel colors and an assortment of sprinkles. I bought the Magnolia Bakery cookbook solely for the cupcake and frosting recipes. However, it also contains many other wonderful recipes for sweet things.

So, Millie and I gave the cupcakes and frosting a go over the weekend. It was our first time making them, and they turned out perfectly. They satisfied my craving, not only for the cupcakes, but also for New York in general (I desperately want to live in New York, but it's not going to happen any time soon).
I was trying to ignore the fact that the cupcakes don't exactly fit in with my Weight Watchers lifestyle. However, many have asked me how many points the cupcakes are, so I have to face reality. The cupcakes (cake and frosting) are 11 points each - half my daily points. COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY WORTH IT. I just have to pick up my workout intensity this week. : )
You know, that is totally do-able on a WW diet. If you make the veggie soup recipe from the welcome packet (0 points) and add about 2 points worth of chicken to each bowl for protein, you will be nice and full and still have room for a cupcake for dessert. I went from a size 16 to a 6 with WW. :) Can you imagine me a size 16?? Hahaha, it was pretty funny.