Friday, January 30, 2009

Lucy is finally adjusting...

Little Lucy has not been very excited about Alex moving in. She sniffs and looks at his stuff with disdain. She is definitely a "mama's girl" and isn't happy that her territory is changing.

I was really worried about the transition, since she wouldn't stop barking at him the first night he was there. She had a look on her face like "what the hell is he still doing here?" He's spent tons of time with her, but he hasn't stayed at my house for more than a day.

It seems like she's finally adjusting and now likes him more than me. She used to cling to me all the time, but those days are definitely over.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Aw... Fur babies have such a hard time adjusting to change, just like people babies!! so cute! Hope she adjusts quickly!
